Customer Testimonials

After visiting many car yards we returned to Economy Cars because weRead more Janine Bremner
The guys at Economy Cars were a pleasure to deal with. We got a greatRead more Clare and Glen Collins
Dear John and Team,

Thank you for making it so easy and hassle-freeRead more
Bethany Chapman
Thank you to all the staff at Economy cars for the continued excellentRead more Carolyne & Daniel Smith
Luciano, from Brazil.... a very happy client indeed !! Being able toRead more Luciano Silveira
Christine & Wayne !! Happy repeat customers with their new Mazda Axela,Read more Christine & Wayne Wilkinson

We traipsed through countless Christchurch car yards in our search for aRead more
Stephen and Trisa Espiner

Just had my car yesterday and it is amazing and i am very impressed.Read more
Suneth Ranasinghe
Hi Team
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you again for my newRead more
Moana Barr
Dear John, Just a quick note thanking you for your service & continuedRead more Judy van Dangen
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